LiveWire YOuth

Youth Group // FrIDAYS 7pm)

In our youth program our mission is to build bridges with youth in our community while help all youth connect with God. We encourage students to live their faith by impacting our world for good & replicating the goodness of God in their places of influence.

All youth volunteers act as mentors and are screened to help foster a safe and healthy experience for youth to grow in their faith.

ROOTS: Tweens & Pre-Teens

WEDNESDAYS  7 - 8:15pm

It is no secret that our kids have many challenges to navigate in this world. The Tween age (7-10) and JR high age (11-13) are formative ages where kids move from childhood to adolescence; it's a process and the most intensive time of change in a person's life outside of birth. We are here to help, encourage and show them that God cares for Tweens & Pre-Teens ... and that they are great just the way they are. Our program will be 1 hour and 15mins and it will feature 4 parts: (1) motivational talks, (2) small group discussions and (3) interactive team games or hands on challenges AND (4) worship music with actions that they can call their own and sing to. For more info contact us at See you there, WED at 7pm!