YA & YOung Professionals

20-35 year olds

We began this group in 2022 to connect young adults and young professionals who are just starting their careers or families, or both. These socially strong events are open to other YA & YP in the Muskoka region to join us but our first objective is to build this core at Bethel. We believe that the church needs to be relevant to millennials, and this is one step in that direction to realize that vision at Bethel Huntsville.

All Adults


For adults, we host a variety of church wide events as well specific programs to men or women. Our events range from small group Bible studies to large events, Men's Round Table get togethers, music nights, etc. To impact the Muskoka region, we regularly provide opportunities to impact our community and region like our health care appreciation night, teachers free coffee & treats, charity fishing tournament, etc.